roof cleaning tech

Because I’ve been around houses and farms doing lots of things for many years, friends and family often ask me, “How should I clean my roof?” Or, “What’s the different roof cleaning tech I can use.”

Well, shucks, I might as well write my answer down because I’ve been thinking deeply about this. There’s a few different types of tech that can be used for cleaning a roof, depending on what kind of roof it is and how dirty it is. Now, if your roof’s made of concrete or tiles, a lot of folks use a pressure washer to blast away the dirt and grime. But if your roof’s a bit more delicate, like if it’s got them there asphalt shingles, then you might wanna try soft washing or even brushing it by hand or with a broom. Let’s just say than cleaning a clay roof is a lot different, and involves different tech, than cleaning a barn silo or a chicken coop. When you have asphalt shingles, wood or clay tiles, that’s when you use a low-pressure stream of water and some special cleaning solution to get rid of the mess. And if your roof’s got some of them pesky moss or algae growths, then chemical cleaning might be the answer. For a really high-tech option, some companies are using robots to clean roofs these days – can you imagine that? Anyhow, the best thing to do is talk to a professional roof cleaning company to figure out what’ll work best for your roof. I used a great company that does roof cleaning Victoria service, but you should be able to find a similar company wherever you live. In different parts of the world roofs need to be cleaned for different reasons. In Victoria BC its usually because moss is growing on the roof, or the roof is covered in old leaves because there’s a tree over it. Alas, it’s time to talk more about the different roof cleaning technology, because that’s why we’re really here..

There are a few different types of technology that can be used for roof cleaning, depending on the type of roof and the level of cleaning required. Here are a few options:

Pressure washing

This is a common method for cleaning roofs, especially those made of concrete or metal. A pressure washer uses a high-pressure stream of water to remove dirt, grime, and other debris from the surface of the roof. Whether you’re hiring a professional pressure washing company or doing it yourself, just make sure not to use high pressure jets on delicate roof materials, as it can damage some tiles and asphalt shingles.

Soft washing

This method is gentler than pressure washing and is used for more delicate roofing materials, such as asphalt shingles. Soft washing uses a low-pressure stream of water and a specialized cleaning solution to remove dirt and grime. Think of it like a roof shampoo. This is also when brushing or scrubbing by hand is done, to avoid damaging roof materials.

Chemical cleaning

For roofs that have heavy staining or growths such as moss or algae, chemical cleaning may be necessary, but not always. This involves using specialized cleaning solutions that are designed to break down and remove these types of growths. When I had fungus on my barn roof I strayed from using chemicals as much as possible, because things like moss and lichen can be scrubbed by hand.

Robotic cleaning

Some companies are now offering robotic roof cleaning services, which use specialized drones to clean the roof without the need for human operators. These robots are equipped with brushes and cleaning solutions and can be programmed to clean specific areas of the roof. The same kind of drones have been used for bridge inspection a decade ago, although these ones are capable of a lot more. I’ve never dried robot roof cleaners and don’t even know how to order it as a service, but for industrial companies I bet it comes in useful to clean their own properties. Either way, I would never use robots to clean my roof because, as you know, I may be old but I still like to work with my hands. I still think this robot cleaning stuff is incredible though, would make good use of it maybe if it’s something I grew up with. Check out this video I found of it:


Ultimately, the best tech for roof cleaning will depend on the specific needs of your roof and the type of cleaning required. Like I said, it’s always best to consult with a professional roof cleaning company to determine the best approach for your situation. I don’t need to clean my roof, but my friends do, and it’s interesting to share what I know about different topics as I get older. So I hope you enjoyed or learned something.

The best tech for roof cleaning